Blue Gin
The Blue Gin is produced by Hans Reisetbauer who is one of the best distillers from all over Europe.The Blue Gin is produced from 27 botanical plants from 9 countries. The springwater used to produce this gin comes from Mühlviertler Almin Austria one of the purest waters on the planet.
The Blue Gin is produced by Hans Reisetbauer who is one of the best distillers from all over Europe.The Blue Gin is produced from 27 botanical plants from 9 countries. The springwater used to produce this gin comes from Mühlviertler Almin Austria one of the purest waters on the planet.
• Nose
Fresh, juniper, withnotes of citrus and anise.
• Palate
Juniper, sweethoneyedsices, citrus and grapefruit.
• Finish
Long, enduringand fresh.
Data sheet
- Country
- Austria
- Littering
- 0.7
- Brand
- Blue Gin
- Alcohol level
- 43°
Specific References
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